Jun 19, 2024

For my idea, Uchihiro ice cloud can think of it after a little thinking. After all, the serpent has now been entangled by those high-level guards, and this is the palace courtyard. Every five minutes, four magic guns in Dongdu Imperial City will launch heresy. I believe that the serpent’s life value will be directly dragged down before long.

Once the serpent is hung up, it will be my best chance to seize the species of life and activate the universal mirror sharingan. I don’t want to be missed for nothing. It’s a super artifact. With it, I can understand that Harle’s strength can be described as a higher level.
"ice cloud, how much damage can you do to the serpent with one blow?" Only when I finally hang up the serpent can I pick up the species of life and put it in the bag, so the last blow must be actuarial accurate and there can be no mistake, otherwise stealing chickens will not be a bad thing.
Uchihiro ice cloud estimated it slightly and said slowly, "The damage caused by the strongest ice explosion after the transformation of magic weapons in front of sharingan should be around 150,000. After all, the serpent’s defense is not low, and my non-power output damage is less."
"Well, one hundred and fifty thousand? That’s not bad. My ice explosion damage should also be able to output more than 50,000 numerical values. The life value of the equivocal serpent is reduced to 20,000. You and I will release the ice explosion attack together and immediately pick up the life species and leave. "
Uchihiro ice cloud shook his head and said, "If you and I explode together, I’m afraid we will all explain it here. Don’t forget the ice explosion pair, but the physical property value is *15 times of damage. If you kill me, my life value will be reduced by about three quarters, leaving the life value to support us from the palace."
"What should I do?"
"Why don’t you let me attack sharingan and Harle? I should be able to force Harle to be able to barely catch the power of ice explosion skills." sharingan, a wanhua mirror, is so powerful that Harle’s mysterious dreamland is even more unpredictable. To deal with the power of super-Warcraft serpent, it should be able to barely catch the ice explosion skills.
I thought it over carefully, and finally shook my head and vetoed, "I’m afraid that the attack of sharingan and Harle on the universal mirror is not good for us. After all, there is a second in the Harle world. In this second, those palace high-ranking guards and 9-level guards always have enough to make traps and ambushes."
Although Harle’s attack is good, it is not an instantaneous output of attack damage. When the waves in the palace are in this race against time for 1 second, Harle attack on the super-Warcraft serpent is purely for hanging up.
Chapter two hundred and ninety-four East Capital Battle ()
When Uchihiro ice cloud and I were discussing in the secluded valley, the serpent in the imperial palace was fighting independently, and the guards always led the first group of guards, seeing that the head and tail were dancing constantly, but they were unbeaten by themselves against a large number of guards in the palace, showing doubts about the power of Warcraft.
"You are quick to give up, otherwise don’t blame me." The life value of the ambiguous serpent is ten times that of the original one. It is also a quick victory to rush into the imperial city of Dongdu. At this moment, two of your targets don’t know where they are hiding, and they are pinned down by a large number of masters. They can’t bomb the life value in the care gun. It is in jeopardy.
It’s true that the serpent growled angrily as soon as its health was reduced to 5%. At this moment, it naturally knows that staying here for a long time is not good for itself. The angry tail swept slowly towards the bedroom door. It knew that if it wanted to break out of the emperor’s bedroom, it would fly directly into the blue sky and worry that it could not escape.
The super-Warcraft power is amazing, and the serpent is even more ambiguous. There is no room for survival. The interlocking head of a basilisk has released overwhelming magic for the first time, telling many guards how terrible it is to be super-Warcraft.
Uchihiro ice cloud discovered the Serpent’s madness through a crack, frowning and saying, "It seems that we still underestimate the Serpent’s strength. Originally, it was only physically powerful. Now it’s ridiculous to think about it."
"What happened outside?" No, I can’t help but ask in doubt.
Uchihiro ice cloud said wryly, "You and I have both misjudged the serpent’s super power of Warcraft. In addition to its strong physical strength, its magical accomplishments are even more surprising. The serpent’s head contains water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light and dark metal. Now the serpent is furious, and the guards will suffer from external magic."
"You mean … the serpent disambiguation now holding up the guards to attack? So what is its goal now? Do you want to destroy and force us out? But it shouldn’t be able to destroy the valley we are in? "
"This is dominated by me. Unless the outside world is parallel, this place is suddenly squeezed by force to destroy me. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to be destroyed." Uchihiro ice cloud said that sharingan continued to observe the external dynamics and suddenly exclaimed, "Oops! The serpent got mad and was able to escape. Its health is still 49%. I’m afraid our attack plan won’t work. "
"What? Escape? " It’s my turn to be surprised that the serpent should run away. What is this world? I’m afraid I’ll laugh my head off if it gets out.
"Bad!" I suddenly thought of something. I patted my forehead and quickly said to Uchihiro ice cloud beside me, "If we let the serpent leave the emperor’s bedroom, then there will be no one to help pin down the big bodyguard. Then we will definitely hang up and hurry up. We’d better go out with the serpent."
Now the bodyguard department in the emperor’s bedroom is pinned down by the super-Warcraft Serpent. We can fish in troubled waters and sneak out, but once the Serpent leaves the 9-level bodyguard general, a wave of people will be set up to guard the emperor’s bedroom to monitor me and Uchihiro ice cloud in the valley.
When the time comes, it will be much more difficult to escape from ascension than the difficulty of Shu Dao.
After I woke up, Uchihiro ice cloud naturally reacted and saw that the serpent was about to step out of the palace gate and escape. When the jade hand waved, we directly appeared in the emperor’s bedroom.
"Hey? What a surprise! You two have returned to the emperor’s bedroom? " The serpent who is about to leave disambiguation naturally sensed the breath of sharingan’s successor in the bedroom. He was originally prepared to step out and suddenly slowed down. He looked at the sudden appearance of the cold sound of the two people present and immediately swung from the bedroom. "Since I’m here, I’ll give you a statue to die."
"Fire dun, fly to fireball! ""Water dun, ice assault! 」
In the serpent spell, one of the snake-shaped heads turned red quickly, and then immediately, a lux energy breath was spewed out from Shekou, attacking Uchihiro ice cloud’s position as quickly as a rocket was ignited, and flying away like flying to fireball in the sky.
On the other side, another snake-shaped head turned blue quickly, followed by a spray of sky-blue energy fluctuation, which immediately spewed out and attacked us quickly. In an instant, it has surpassed the attack and flew to Uchihiro ice cloud to fireball. This is the sudden ice assault. It is a word’ fast’ that can be said to be a preemptive strike.
"Long Lin array wall! 」
In the case that I don’t know how strong the Serpent’s magic attack is, I dare not rashly meet the sudden ice assault, so I was wrapped up directly by Long Lin’s quick start at the moment when the sky blue energy attacked me rapidly.
"Ice sigh! 」
The speed of flying to fireball is not slow, but Uchihiro ice cloud’s fairy tactic is even faster. Therefore, when flying to fireball and arriving in front of Uchihiro ice cloud, the ice sighed that the wall had already waited for a long time, and directly blocked Uchihiro ice cloud from flying to fireball.
"Illusion extreme fear! 」
Just around the NPC guards, the serpent watched the anxious ice assault VS Long Lin array wall flying fireball VS ice sighing. Uchibo ice cloud had quickly simulated the hand tactic and directly released the illusion extreme fear while everyone was not paying attention.
The so-called extreme fear is actually to make the enemies around you feel fear and get away from you quickly. The beauty of this function can only be reflected in group warfare.
Imagine that you are surrounded by a large group of players, and there is no way to escape. When you are in extreme fear, your players will be far away from you and automatically give you a free way. That is when you wait for a leisurely agreement, those players who give way will be mad in retrospect.
"Hurry up!" Uchihiro ice cloud was extremely afraid of a disambiguation serpent and bedroom guards. Naturally, they immediately became confused, and they scattered around in succession. At this special time, Uchihiro ice cloud immediately rushed out of the emperor’s bedroom with me and went directly to the palace courtyard.
534, 535, 546, MISS, 543, MISS, 571 … Just arrived at the Palace, a list of injuries immediately floated from my head, and the huge square outside the bedroom of the Emperor was already crowded with people. All of them were 35 lowest-class guards.
It’s hard to imagine that so many guards have gathered in the huge square outside the emperor’s bedroom in an instant. Looking from the door, you can almost imagine how horrible the number is. If you want to kill from the land, I really don’t know if you can reach the main entrance of the palace until June.
"Don’t look at it and go quickly, or you and I will not be able to leave when the serpent comes out." Uchihiro ice cloud knows that the situation is not optimistic now. When he is high-handed, Teng Shu’s blessing is followed by his feet, and he quickly paddles from it like a meteor and rushes out directly to the west.
After Uchihiro ice cloud woke up, I immediately woke up. When my hands pressed the sword tactic to lead the way, the sword was immediately sacrificed. The drunken fairy Mochizuki Ayumu quickly stepped on the broad sword and the flying skill of the imperial sword was immediately released and followed Uchihiro ice cloud to leave for the west.
"You two little dolls take a break!" Just as I just went west to the imperial sword, the huge figure flashed out at the entrance of the emperor’s bedroom. The serpent rushed into the sky like a spring and followed it directly to the west.
Chapter two hundred and ninety-five East Capital Battle (in)
"Bad disambiguation the serpent is coming" Looking at the roaring in the rear and chasing the disambiguation serpent, my face changed greatly. It’s really worthy of super Warcraft. I didn’t expect to wake up from extreme fear so soon.
"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"
At this time, four care guns at the four gates of Dongdu Imperial City bombed again and shone brightly. Immediately, they rowed toward the sky like a meteor. Two of them aimed to chase the giant serpent in the rear, while the other two aimed to run quickly ahead, Uchihiro ice cloud and me.
"Damn it, what about ice cloud? I can’t resist the magic guided gun attack at all?" Looking at the approaching magic guide gun, I can’t help dripping sweat from my forehead. Now I have no ability to resist the attack at the attribute state root. 11 magic guide gun and the only absolute defense skill, Long Lin array wall, was also dropped when I resisted the serpent’s sudden ice assault just now.
Uchihiro ice cloud has condensed into a glittering and translucent ice shield in the jade hand at the moment. When he heard my anxious inquiry, he immediately said, "Make all your defense skills even if you carry them hard, you must carry them for me."
"Fox petticoats! ""Long Lin armor! ""Drunk and dreaming! 」
If you want to talk about defense skills, I also have two stunts, namely, the fox type and Long Lin armor. Because this skill can greatly increase the attribute value, it will naturally increase the health defense in disguise, so I have to make it out.
"The pentagram guard! 」
The first three skills are blessed, but I still dare not relax. Immediately, I will directly replace the income burden of the blade of grass in my hand with the Japanese regional national protection artifact Zhen Cunzheng, and immediately draw five or five twenty-five purple rays in front of me before I hold it tightly, and directly combine them into five dazzling pentagram guards to resist in front of me.
True village is attached with skills. Although the strength of pentagram guard is not high, it is better than that in Japan. The limit is five times, and it can be very convenient anytime and anywhere without cooling.
Therefore, at this critical moment, with a wave of my hand, I squandered it directly, and Zhencun made the opportunity department exhausted five times, and directly combined it into five pentagram guards for defense magic to resist the coming artillery bombardment.
"Light shield! ""dark guardian wall! 」
While the care gun was still in flight, I immediately summoned the Blood Winged Flying Dragon, and the two high-order defense skills of light and darkness were immediately blessed on the periphery of my body to make my resistance stronger.
When the skill was released, I was reluctant to take it into my pet immediately. Oh, I’m sorry, brother. The artillery bombardment is not what you can resist now. There is a good way to take you into your pet’s position. Don’t say that I am killing the donkey. I am also hello.

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