Jun 17, 2024

These players found bugs, although some of them affected the balance of the game, but they also increased a kind of fun and helped the developers find problems. Later, these bugs were gradually fixed, and the craze gradually subsided.

Ordinary players are still so powerful, not to mention high-professional players. Their understanding of a map is definitely far beyond that of ordinary players, and the speed of familiarity with maps is naturally faster. Some people may get lost even if they play well, but high-professional players can get familiar with the map in a few rounds.
Dune this map, Tiger Brothers and I Club people really haven’t played this map very much, and it has never actually appeared in the game. This is the first time, but it’s not too surprising for everyone. After all, a map is the cross of death, which means that fpl should be a precedent, that is, adding those unpopular maps into the game map to increase the difficulty and freshness of the game.
The fact that these game maps are not available in advance will not give professional players a psychological preparation test, that is, their ability to control various maps. If a team can’t adapt to it and its strength is greatly reduced, it can be said that this team is not good enough.
Ye Dumping thinks it’s good, but in the game, he plays with some maps that he hasn’t played before, and both sides are unfamiliar with this map. There is no previous experience to absorb, and those tactics are afraid of being able to think about tactics, and this is Ye Dumping’s advantage. Most of the time, he thinks about tactics now, which is relatively novel and makes opponents unpredictable.
In those popular maps, leaf dumping can be commanded by numbered tactics, which is much faster, but not in a strange map. You must arrange tactics according to the map structure, not just the former tactics.
Bare, looking at this map, frowned. He must familiarize himself with the structure of this map as soon as possible before formulating new tactics. Although the former tactics may not be successful, some tactics can be slightly modified and then combined with other tactics to form a new tactic, which is also his strength.
He is a man who is flexible in tactics and will never copy the tactics of his predecessors. He will change his own style. Besides, he is also extremely clever and a genius. His brain is like a precision brain, and his computing ability is quite strong. It is not difficult for him to come up with new tactics.
In the first round, the two teams are familiar with the map, and the tactics are indeed successful. Let’s first find out what terrain ab is talking about. What if the other team is familiar with the map if it is dispersed? That’s too bad
They are not sure whether each other is familiar with this map or not, and they dare not take risks. Both teams are in the same road, but their two teams go to different blasting sites.
Bare, with the Tiger Brothers, went to point B, while Ye Qing took the I Club to point A, and both sides entered the blasting point without hindrance.
The Tiger Brothers Union was very happy to find that there was no defense at point B, and immediately it was very happy.
Ye Qing and others stayed at point A for a little while. After figuring out the terrain, Ye Qing sent someone out of point A to check the situation. As a result, there was no one outside. Ye Qing suddenly realized that the other party might have gone to point B and they didn’t have any defense at point B. Isn’t that a gift to the other party?
He quickly reached the order and five people rushed to point B. Just when they arrived at point B, the Tiger Brothers just successfully installed 4. Speaking of this, maybe some people still don’t know who will be The Infiltrator first at half time, but this should not be said specially because the Tiger Brothers has already contracted. Do you need to say who is The Infiltrator?
People in club I were all a little anxious when they heard that 4 was successfully installed. In the first round, it was so easy for the other side to pack the package. As soon as the two sides exchanged offensive and defensive positions, it was supposed that club I would defend the Tiger Brothers, but now the Tiger Brothers have packed the package and arranged the defense. It is the turn of club I to attack.
Club I is familiar with the terrain, which is point A, but it is not clear about the terrain at point B. It is still a bit difficult to attack, because 4 has been installed and there is not much left for Club I, and they have no time to hesitate.
Ye Qing quickly reached the attack order and dropped several flash bombs at point B, covering most of the area. Then four machine gunners rushed in and fired some snipers, and then flashed in to cover the mirror.
Ye Qing rushed in the middle and didn’t lead in the front. He was worried that he would be killed by the sniper of the other side. It is better to walk in the middle to be on the safe side.
Bare saw the flash bomb flying in and immediately ordered the players to hide behind the bunker, but the coverage area of the flash bomb was too light, and some people were flashed even after hiding in the bunker, which greatly reduced their defensive firepower at that moment.
I club people rushed in as soon as they showed their strong firepower, and the defense line of the Tiger Brothers Alliance was somewhat untenable, especially when Ye Qing pointed out that he might be shot in the head as soon as he showed up.
Fortunately, bare’s continuous flash out of being killed also made the other side very afraid of the attack efficiency, which significantly reduced the tiger brothers and allies, so they stayed in the stage of vision recovery and then fought back.
The gunners’ firepower on both sides immediately showed death information, and some people fell on both sides. The ace players on both sides paid special attention to protecting themselves, so that their teammates kept falling on them, but nothing happened.
When Ye Qing was left alone in the death of Club I, the Tiger Brothers Alliance still had one more person than the other because of its geographical advantage. One was Zhou Wei, and the other was naturally bare. These two people were the strongest in the Tiger Brothers Alliance. Ye Qing saw a record list and found that Zhou Wei was still alive, and suddenly felt pressure.
If it’s a one-on-one fight with Zhou Wei, then he’s sure to win, but if there’s bare eyes around, he won’t be sure at all. Zhou Wei’s marksmanship is also quite good. Ye Qing has the ability to shoot him in the head if he wants to deal with bare.
Fortunately, this is the first round, which has little impact on the later games. The so-called Ye Qing didn’t struggle. Just flash out of the bunker and shoot bare. Bare is really not as fast as his gun, and Zhou Wei didn’t have the chance to wave. Several shots also knocked Ye Qing down.
Therefore, the Tiger Brothers won the first round, but neither of them expressed their emotions. It is nothing to win the first round when both sides are familiar with the terrain. It is only a matter of winning when both sides are familiar with the terrain.
In fact, in the first round, club I lost the game, but they were familiar with the two points of terrain. First, they went to point A for a stroll, and then they counterattacked point B. They also knew something about the terrain of point B. Although the Tiger Brothers won the first round, they were familiar with the terrain of point B. They still knew something about the terrain of point A. So it was a gain and loss.
Chapter 122 Counter-offensive point A
In the second round, Club I split up and defended two points, because they all knew about the terrain of the two points. In the first round, the Tiger Brothers attacked point B with a medium force, but they didn’t know much about the terrain of point A. It is reasonable to say that they should continue to attack point B. After all, they are much more familiar with this point, so they can formulate corresponding tactics. However, they feel that they should be familiar with point A as soon as possible, and it is impossible to attack point B every time.
The Tiger Brothers League has got troops to attack point A. On the one hand, it is familiar with the terrain, on the other hand, it is also a test of how many people the other side has defended Ye Qing at point A. Obviously, it is guessed that bare, this round will definitely attack point A. Point A is equipped with three people to defend it, but to be on the safe side, he has arranged people at point B. What if he makes a mistake?
When the Tiger Brothers launched an onslaught, just judging from the gun’s inclination, he knew that the other people were at point A, and he immediately called two people at point B for support.
Ye Qing’s precise shooting suppressed the opponent’s attack. After a machine gunner was shot in the head by him, the Tiger Brothers converged a lot and dared not rush forward without fear.
Now, the Tiger Brothers can look forward to clearing away the other machine gunners and helping them clear the way so that they can rush in.
I club at point A, three people are the strongest among the teams, and the three machine gunners know which three are without saying anything. Yi Long Erfeng.
Three people’s firepower is quite fierce. In the case of two more people, it’s even possible to suppress each other’s firepower. Instead, one person was killed by Ye Qing. Barely, he felt that he had no face to flash out and was shot twice, but he didn’t hit the target. The other person relied on the bunker to flash in, and the speed was very fast. Obviously, the three gunners were of very high quality and left him little chance.
He braced himself and then adjusted his mentality. He flashed out again and was shot at the fastest speed. It was too fast for the gunner to shoot a pistol from the other side. The gunner didn’t expect that he would be killed by the other side after such a quick shot. He was very impressed with the bare sniper rifle method.
Zhou Wei felt ashamed that her machine gunner didn’t play much, and then compared with the other ak machine gunner, she felt even more lost, so she suddenly started to rush towards point A and played desperately.
Bare came and shouted to the others, "cover her!" "
Mu Lei and others hurriedly shot at each other’s machine gunners, and there was no way for them to keep moving towards Zhou Wei’s fire. They also watched each other’s machine gunners hide in bunkers and asked them to flash out to deal with Zhou Wei, so he could immediately shoot them.
Actually, if we can’t fight the situation, we really need people like Zhou Wei to kill each other and force each other out, and then bare can seize the opportunity.
At this time, Ye Qing’s teammate at point A had left a Pearl Krabs. She saw Zhou Weichong coming, of course, and she would not show weakness. She immediately flashed out toward Zhou Wei’s gun. Who knows that she was shot by Zhou Wei, and the sniper rifle rang in the moment of Zhou Wei’s gun. Unfortunately, he was one step slower than Zhou Wei.
Bare, after this shot, I can’t help but leave the pie mouth. I want Zhou Wei to remove obstacles, but I didn’t expect Zhou Wei to get it done by herself. This shot is white and directly hit the gas.
Ye Qing saw that Zhou Wei was so brave that she knew that if she couldn’t kill Zhou Wei, the rest of the other party would follow, and then Point A would immediately fall to the enemy.
At this time, behind Zhou Wei, there are bare, aiming at the plane, and two machine gunners are covering fire. Ye Qing wants to kill Zhou Wei, which is not easy. Even if he can kill Zhou Wei, he will probably pay a painful price.
He weighed the pros and cons and felt that it was important for him to save his life first. He arrived at point B and two teammates had already arrived nearby. He immediately retreated to meet his teammates and then launched a counterattack.
In the two rounds of the game, the I club fell, and the Tiger Brothers attacked quickly. The sniper covered the force. It was really difficult for the I club to fight without knowing the terrain. Plus, they were on the defensive side, and it was difficult to think of any good defensive tactics to limit the opponent’s attack.
The second round is not over yet, and Club I is only one person less than the Tiger Brothers Alliance, but they have now been driven out of Point A, and the other side has firmly controlled Point A in their hands.
Ye Qing joined his teammates and then immediately counterattacked. This time, he didn’t shrink behind but rushed to the front because the two teammates were left, one was a sniper and the other was Tian Wei.
If Tian Peng’s strength is at the forefront, it is estimated that he will be overwhelmed by the spike. If he is a little stronger, he will still be at the forefront himself. He feels that his reaction is faster than Tian Peng’s, and his posture is more flexible, and his safety is higher.
He can also attract the other side’s firepower and create opportunities for Thomas. In fact, he can indeed attract the other side’s firepower by rushing ahead. The most fearful person in the Tiger Brotherhood is that he will naturally give priority to killing him. As the saying goes, catch the thief first and get the king first.
The rain of dense bullets hung over the leaves, and in an instant, the blood volume of the leaves was almost consumed. Tian Feng took the opportunity to shoot at the other machine gunner. His marksmanship was also good. In this case, he would not miss the shot calmly. Otherwise, where he was qualified to become a professional player, he knocked down the other machine gunner as soon as he did.
Thomas also quickly flashed out and fired a shot at an exposed machine gunner. Although this shot killed the machine gunner, he failed to go back. Because bare, quick gun put an end to him again, he thought it was worth it. It was a change for a field, and he killed the other person. He also killed the other person. As a result, there were two people left in the other party and two people on their side. Although Ye Qing’s marksmanship has almost lost its fighting power, Ye Qing’s marksmanship may still be able to kill the other party. Maybe Thomas is still very good.
Thomas has a western face and is often regarded as a foreigner. Sometimes he is very angry, but he often calls himself a real foreigner. He thinks of himself as a China and has a deep sense of identity with China culture and China people.
In fact, westerners are also very good at playing competitive games. For example, jr, the former S-world sniper, was a German. At that time, the sk dynasty dominated an era. That was also the case with the western teams in StarCraft. So was Warcraft in the west, and there were many strong teams in lol. They played quite imaginatively, and their cooperation was amazing. However, in recent years, the competitive level of Asian countries has gradually increased, and the champions and runners-up of these competitive events have gradually been dominated by Asian teams. The two Asian countries with the highest competitive level are China and South Korea.
If the China team wants to win the championship, then the South Korean team can’t get around it. Fortunately, the China team has been forcing the South Korean team to win several wg championships and make the South Korean team lose face. After all, F is issued by the Korean game company.
It’s funny to say that Korean game companies were in a state of bankruptcy when their popularity was very low in their country, but once they sold their agents to China game companies, the game immediately came back to life and became so popular that Koreans followed suit and formed teams to participate in the competition.
At the beginning, this online game was also a popular game in South Korea, and the game company could hardly operate. However, when Shanda Games Company acted as an agent in China, it suddenly became a mess. At that time, it was estimated that 10% of the people in the whole Internet cafe were playing the equipment craze, and it was from that time that some people upgraded and stayed up all night.
F This kind of imitation game is very heavy, and it is also unpopular in South Korea. Koreans probably still think that S is the classic. This kind of imitation game is meaningless, but once represented by Tencent, it immediately became all the rage in China, claiming that there are many players in the dream of shooting with 300 million mice.
If F didn’t let China Game Company act as the agent, but insisted on operating in South Korea, I believe this game didn’t even qualify for wg. If it didn’t have tencent games Company F, it wouldn’t be F now, and there wouldn’t be fpl, ga and many professional events.

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